Lee Lochtefeld

President & CEO

Scott Jurcenko


Bill Cagle

Pipeline Operations Manager

Jerry Westerfield

Vice President, Commercial Operations

Austin Day

Finance Manager

Paige Murphy

Office Manager & Executive Assistant

Right-of-Way Encroachment Request

A right-of-way encroachment or crossing is a structure installed across, on, along, or under a pipeline facility or pipeline right-of-way. A right-of-way crossing can also mean equipment or machinery crossing over the pipeline or facility site.  Right-of-way crossings and encroachments pose a threat to the pipeline and require a Right-of-Way Encroachment Request. If your activity will require a crossing agreement with North Coast Gas Transmission please download, complete, and return this Encroachment Request.

If you have questions or are unsure if your activity might require an Encroachment Request, please contact us prior to beginning any work on or near the right-of-way.

Contact Info

175 S Third St, #400, Columbus, OH 43215
Tel. (614) 505-7210
Fax. (614) 505-7212

In Case of Emergency Please Call

(888) 497-5665